車輪の下 Beneath the Wheel
Even if I try to scoop up the memories of this building here, it does not necessarily give me the right to talk about this building. The building’s current appearance as a ruin may be considered the cutting edge of this building, and I would like to honor its decadent beauty. The magnificent bird and animal memorial tower on the grounds reminds me of the animals I have witnessed and remembered in “death.” I would like to think of mourning for animals that have been lost in “death” over time.
As a stranger standing as an extension of this building’s history, I will one day become a memory of this building.
- エリア : AREA : 六合Kuni
- 会場 : VENUE : 野反ライン山口Nozori Line Yamaguchi
その他の作品Other Works
-混沌から生まれるもの- みんなとつながる上毛かるた -What Comes Out of Chaos- “Jomo Karuta (a Japanese card game) to Connect with Everyone”
群馬県の郷土かるた「上毛かるた」を、見える人見えない人見えにくい人、みんなが繋がるコミュニケー The Mirumiru Tsunagaru Project was run through the collaboration of Nakanojo Art Campus @Gundaibi
CONTON_meeting コントンミーティング CONTON_meeting