Cleaners Cleaners
“Cleaners” literally means “one who cleans.” The objects placed in the space are shaped to resemble cleaning tools, and each has its own language. In this work, the aim is to project one’s own memories and experiences onto the objects by imagining the situation of what happened, whether the objects are cleaning or leaving some message.
その他の作品Other Works
商店街のバッグ製作をきっかけに 2022 年から始まった伊勢町睦会×吾妻中央高校×西岳拡貴によ This is a project by Isemachi Mutsumikai, Agatsuma Chuo HighSchool, and Hiroki Nishitake, which b
伊勢町睦会×吾妻中央高校×西岳拡貴 Isemachi-Mutsumikai × Agatsuma Chuo High School × Hiroki Nishitake Isemachi-Mutsumikai × Agatsuma Chuo High School × Hiroki Nishitake
作品番号 002 Opus number 002