Au fil du temps / ときを縫う Transcend Time and Space / Sew Time
Wood contains growth rings that show its growth over the years. You can see the passage and build up of time. I open holes in them. The holes represent moving through time to warp into past ages. I sew the wood. I pass thread through the holes, and look back at the time that I have traversed. The thread binds the holes from the bottom up as they jump through a number of warps, to repeatedly traverse the past, present, and future. It is similar to how we spend our days looking back and regretting the past, or enjoying our memories.
- エリア : AREA : 六合Kuni
- 会場 : VENUE : かいこの家Kaiko House
その他の作品Other Works
商店街のバッグ製作をきっかけに 2022 年から始まった伊勢町睦会×吾妻中央高校×西岳拡貴によ This is a project by Isemachi Mutsumikai, Agatsuma Chuo HighSchool, and Hiroki Nishitake, which b
伊勢町睦会×吾妻中央高校×西岳拡貴 Isemachi-Mutsumikai × Agatsuma Chuo High School × Hiroki Nishitake Isemachi-Mutsumikai × Agatsuma Chuo High School × Hiroki Nishitake
作品番号 002 Opus number 002