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よくわからない凄みを『雰囲気の向こう側』という名称で概念化し、それらから放たれる『パロール』を研究している美術家ミナミリョウヘイと、境界をはみ出し“美しい”を探し求める H-NAITO とのユニット『ナ ゙ヴ』。
The unit “DUV” is composed of artist Ryohei Minami, who conceptualizes the unfamiliar awesomeness under the name “The
Other Side of Atmosphere” and researches the “parole” emitted from them, and creator H-NAITO, who goes beyond the boundary and searches for “beauty.” They will create an immersive space where children and adults alike can enjoy the blurring of the present.
During the residency period, they will create a structure out of scraps and objects collected from the surrounding environment, and enshrine a DECOTORA (pimped-out truck) in the center of the space, where various electric decorations and images will be intergrated into the structure and sound will resonate.
- エリア : AREA : 伊参Isama
- 会場 : VENUE : イサマムラ(旧伊参小学校)Isamamura
その他の作品Other Works

-混沌から生まれるもの- みんなとつながる上毛かるた -What Comes Out of Chaos- “Jomo Karuta (a Japanese card game) to Connect with Everyone”
群馬県の郷土かるた「上毛かるた」を、見える人見えない人見えにくい人、みんなが繋がるコミュニケー The Mirumiru Tsunagaru Project was run through the collaboration of Nakanojo Art Campus @Gundaibi
CONTON_meeting コントンミーティング CONTON_meeting