山のある生活 Life Amongst Mountains
When something is absent, one notices its presence.
There are no mountains in London and southeast England where I have resided for nearly 30 years. The culture and folklore nurtured on flat landscapes seems to be fundamentally different from the culture and folklore nurtured living near mountains. I am interested in the relationship between people living in a particular natural environment and their belief system, as well as the contact points between the natural environment and people.
For this exhibition, I was very intrigued by the naturally high acidity level of the Agatsuma river. I have created a new body of work using the river to carve materials.
- エリア : AREA : 中之条市街地Nakanojo Town Center
- 会場 : VENUE : 旧廣盛酒造Former Hirozakari Brewery
その他の作品Other Works

ミルキクアソブ– 三輪途道 ・ 群馬県立盲学校 の生徒たちによる触れる彫刻展 Seeing, Listening, Playing-Touching Sculpture Exhibition by Michiyo Miwa and Students of the School for the Blind of Gunma Prefecture
視覚を失った彫刻家である三輪途道と群馬県立盲学校の生徒たちによる、触覚で楽しむ彫刻展。触れるこ An exhibition of sculptures for tactile enjoyment by the visually impaired sculptor Michiyo Miwa
メノキ Menoki Menoki
作品番号 056 Opus number 056