騒いだり、発酵したり Parrandón y Fermento
A space where sounds have a chance to mingle and get dirty with other sounds. A place where you can take your time to see how listening shapes the sounds you hear. A playground where your presence ferments and sprouts into something that could resemble the music of a distant time, past or future.
- エリア : AREA : 中之条市街地Nakanojo Town Center
- 会場 : VENUE : 旧廣盛酒造Former Hirozakari Brewery
その他の作品Other Works

雅楽演奏家・作曲家の東野珠実が中心となり、多彩な音楽家たちと、「みえない・みえにくい・みえる人 This is a new art/music experience of sound, form, and vibration, created and enjoyed together by
メノキ Menoki Menoki