呼吸する中之条 Breathing Nakanojo
作品点灯 21 時まで
18 時以降は外からのぞいてご鑑賞いただけます
作品点灯 21 時まで
The body of artwork is the breath of people themselves. What I have done with artwork is magnification and translation of biological information. I captured the breath of local residents and artists of the biennale and translated it into animated light.
Hence, the audience can feel someone’s breath via light. You may see part of Nakanojo Town Office or the hot water of the footbath starting to breathe. The breath is actually the real breath of someone you might have encountered today.
007A: at tsumuji
The work is lit until 9:00 pm.
After 6:00 pm, you can view the work from the outside.
007B: at In Front of the Nakanojo Town Office Entrance
The work is lit until 9:00 pm.
- エリア : AREA : 中之条市街地Nakanojo Town Center
- 会場 : VENUE : つむじtsumuji / 中之条町役場玄関前In Front of the Nakanojo Town Office Entrance
その他の作品Other Works

中之条ビエンナーレ 2023 の幕開け。ライブペインティングに音楽にタップダンスとコンテンポラ The Nakanojo Biennale 2023 begins! Live painting, music, tap dance, contemporary dance, and five
いくらまりえ、ダニエル・ヘイズ東京、DamaDamTal、野口桃江、Lily Marie Ikura, Daniel Heys Tokyo, ダマダムタル, Momoko Noguchi, リリィ Marie Ikura, Daniel Heys Tokyo, DamaDamTal, Momoko Noguchi and Lily

-混沌から生まれるもの- みんなとつながる上毛かるた -What Comes Out of Chaos- “Jomo Karuta (a Japanese card game) to Connect with Everyone”
群馬県の郷土かるた「上毛かるた」を、見える人見えない人見えにくい人、みんなが繋がるコミュニケー The Mirumiru Tsunagaru Project was run through the collaboration of Nakanojo Art Campus @Gundaibi
CONTON_meeting コントンミーティング CONTON_meeting