The Sun The Sun
This year’s work sums up my creative experience so far in Nakanojo. The rising salt crystals over time visualize a vector that opposes gravity. From observing nature I thought about the power of life. The glass shards evoke a sense of sharpness and pain as well as their transparency and beauty, focusing on the transformation of consciousness that can occur through experience. The work, which is a journey of two inseparable and contrasting matters, their relationship, and the thought of what transcends them, is connected to the celestial bodies and their center, the sun, and tells the story of the individual as the universe.
- エリア : AREA : 中之条市街地Nakanojo Town Center
- 会場 : VENUE : 伊勢町民家Isemachi House
その他の作品Other Works
中之条中学校では、中之条ビエンナーレ参加作家2名を講師に迎えた美術特別授業を行い、その成果作品 In January 2023, Nakanojo Junior High School held a special art class with two participating arti
中之条中学校×中之条ビエンナーレ作家 Nakanojo Junior High School × Nakanojo Biennale Artists Nakanojo Junior High School × Nakanojo Biennale Artists
作品番号 046 Opus number 046