無作為にロプロプはやってくる Loplop Comes Randomly
The village visited leaves behind faint traces, and suddenly Loplop appears. Loplop is known as a bird-like character that consistently appears in the work of Dada-Surrealist artist Max Ernst. His collage pieces construct unseen landscapes by combining concrete imagery, resulting in images that exist beyond mere symbols and meanings. As depicted in ‘La Femme 100 Têtes,’ The repetitive appearance of the Loplop image serves as a trigger for viewers to decipher the ambiguous story in their own unique way.
Loplop functions as a ‘symbol’ of the invitation to the viewer to interpret the enigmatic imagery. The landscape of the Sawatari district, which experiences cycles of destruction and rebirth through floods and fires, also becomes intertwined as Loplop, making repeated appearances in this work.
- エリア : AREA : 沢渡暮坂Sawatari Kuresaka
- 会場 : VENUE : 旧沢渡館Sawatarikan