Branches Branches
“Branches,” asks how our lives could differ based on a single decision or encounter. Drawing on Masumi’s experience as a minority and immigrant to the UK, we examine how the environment and society shape us. Exploring neuroses and fears through the multiverse, viewers will ponder how choices in life topple like dominoes. We present opportunities for viewers to reflect on their lives in our post-covid information-oriented society, which fragments our ideology.
- エリア : AREA : 伊参Isama
- 会場 : VENUE : イサマムラ(旧伊参小学校)Isamamura
その他の作品Other Works
総合ディレクター山重徹夫と全15 組の作家による作品説明や活動紹介など、YouTube で配信 Join us for two days to hear interesting stories, gain fresh insights, and get closer to the art
半谷学 / 菅原久誠 / 鈴木典生 / 中村 Mather 美香 / 藤森哲 / 山形敦子 / Lily Manabu Hangai / Hisanari Sugawara / Norio Suzuki / Mika Nakamura-Mather / Satoshi FUJIMORI /Atsuko Yamagata / リリィ Manabu Hangai / Hisanari Sugawara / Norio Suzuki / Mika Nakamura-Mather / Satoshi FUJIMORI /Atsuko Yamagata / Lily