アーティスト・チャンネル ARTIST CHANNEL

あなたの音を探して Find Your Sound

Lily リリィ Lily

400 年以上の歴史がある奇祭「鳥追い祭り」

The “Torioi Matsuri” is a strange festival with a history of more than 400 years. The sound of drums drives away birds and beasts that destroy the fields, praying for a good harvest, protection from bad luck in the town, and the safety of the family.

While pursuing their own sound, Taiko drums are played from generation to generation, connecting cultures. I felt something
similar between tap dance and the Torioi Taiko, which is passed down through the generations while seeking one’s own sound.

This work expresses the search for sounds that transcend generations as well as the passing down of culture.


その他の作品Other Works

無作為にロプロプはやってくる Loplop Comes Randomly

訪れた街は少しの跡を残したまま The village visited leaves behind faint traces, and suddenly Lopl

尾角 典子 Noriko Okaku Noriko Okaku

作品番号 103 Opus number 103

“音にふれる/形にふれる” スモール・ライヴ・セッション 2023 Touch the Sound / Feel the Shape - Small Live Session 2023

おと・ふれる・かたち…音楽と彫刻。 中之条の中でもとっておきの場所「山 Sound, touch, shape… music and sculpture. A special place in Nakanojo, “Yamanoue Garden” is

色つきの花 Colored Flower

旧五反田学校 全長二十七間 (50.9m) 校舎の一角から同じ距離(50.9m)を The former Gotanda School has a total length of 27 ken (50.9m). Using that distance (50.9m)

鈴木 典生 Norio Suzuki Norio Suzuki

作品番号 029 Opus number 029