あなたの音を探して Find Your Sound
400 年以上の歴史がある奇祭「鳥追い祭り」
The “Torioi Matsuri” is a strange festival with a history of more than 400 years. The sound of drums drives away birds and beasts that destroy the fields, praying for a good harvest, protection from bad luck in the town, and the safety of the family.
While pursuing their own sound, Taiko drums are played from generation to generation, connecting cultures. I felt something
similar between tap dance and the Torioi Taiko, which is passed down through the generations while seeking one’s own sound.
This work expresses the search for sounds that transcend generations as well as the passing down of culture.
- エリア : AREA : 伊参Isama
- 会場 : VENUE : イサマムラ(旧伊参小学校)Isamamura
その他の作品Other Works
総合ディレクター山重徹夫と全15 組の作家による作品説明や活動紹介など、YouTube で配信 Join us for two days to hear interesting stories, gain fresh insights, and get closer to the art
浅野暢晴 / 大貫仁美 / 関口いちろ(いちろとちひろ) / DamaDamTal / 西島雄志 / 桑山彰彦 / 野口桃江 / 渡邉辰吾 Nobuharu Asano / Hitomi Oonuki / Ichiro Sekiguchi (Ichiro and Chihiro) / ダマダムタル / Yuji Nishijima / Akihiko Kuwayama / Momoko Noguchi / Shingo Watanabe Nobuharu Asano / Hitomi Oonuki / Ichiro Sekiguchi (Ichiro and Chihiro) / DamaDamTal / Yuji Nishijima / Akihiko Kuwayama / Momoko Noguchi / Shingo Watanabe