飯沢 康輔 Kosuke Iizawa Kosuke Iizawa
作品番号 122 Opus number 122遠くで星が燃える A Star Burns in the Distance
I create paintings using the human face as a motif. In today’s society, people always keep their faces in shape and express their emotions in an oblique manner in order to have a smooth social life. The face becomes like an icon in the process of gradually acquiring social skills from childhood. The sense of always keeping it in place and using it differently depending on the occasion is modern, but a face with its tag removed is very frightening and beautiful. I feel that behind the thin skin of a person’s face lies something like their soul. It envelops, transforms, and permeates the essence of the person. A beautiful bonfire flickering behind a curtain. I want to create something like that curtain.
- エリア : AREA : 中之条市街地Nakanojo Town Center
- 会場 : VENUE : 旧廣盛酒造Former Hirozakari Brewery