大野 光一

Kouichi Ohno
出身地・活動地 : 東京




I create paintings mainly using the human face as a motif. I continue to paint the human face, which is a very universal motif, because I feel that the human face is very important in today’s society. It is a different context from the conventional one of portraits and the human face, and it is a unique contemporary issue, especially noticeable in social networking sites, where it is considered a virtue to keep one’s face in good shape and even to avoid showing one’s emotions too much in order to have a smooth social life. I feel that something like a broadcasting code has permeated widely into the lives of the general public. It is as if a mask has been put over one’s face. The face has become a mere icon. It is always in place, and we use it in different ways depending on the occasion. Such an off-the-cuff face is indeed frightening, but at the same time it is very beautiful. It is because it is hidden. I don’t want this beauty to be something that doesn’t exist. I want to express this. For example, in modern society, death is excessively hidden. Many lives are born and die every day. But the details are hidden.

What I want to see is a face that is so vivid that you can see through the soul of the person and feel the life and death of a living being. I feel that behind a person’s face, behind the thin layer of skin, there is something like a person’s soul. I want to express that soul behind the painting.


2012 武蔵野美術大学造形学部造形学科 油絵専攻 卒業

2022 「ATAMI ART GRANT 2022」
2021 「テラスアート – Terrace Mall Shonan ART Exhibition」
2020 「六甲ミーツ・アート芸術散歩 2020」 FM802 賞 受賞
2020 「BE THE LIGHT ~神戸メリケンパーク・イルミネーション~」
2018 「六本木アートナイト 2018」
2018 「Tokyo Midtown Street Museum 」
2018 「⻩金町バザール 2018」
2017 「Tokyo Midtown Award 2017」 優秀賞 受賞
2016 「池袋アートギャザリング」
2016 「NIIGATA オフィス・アート・ストリート」 優秀賞 受賞


2012 graduated from the Department of Painting in Musashino Art University

2022 「ATAMI ART GRANT 2022」
2021 「Terrace Art – Terrace Mall Shonan ART Exhibition」
2020 「Rokko Meets Art Art Walk 2020」 FM802 Award
2020 「BE THE LIGHT – Kobe Meriken Park Illumination 」
2018 「Roppongi Art Night 2018」
2018 「Tokyo Midtown Street Museum」
2018 「Koganechou Bazaar 2018」
2017 「Tokyo Midtown Award 2017」 Excellence Award
2016 「Ikebukuro Art Gathering 」
2016 「NIIGATA Office Art Street」 Excellence Award