
中之条ビエンナーレが海外の展覧会に参加して交流事業をしようという試みは2013年頃から始まりました。Pavilion 0 (ヴェネツィア/ 2013年)、Nacha Artists’ Residence (チェンマイ/ 2013年)、4th Mediations Biennale (ポズナン/ 2014年)などに参加し、多種多様な国の文化の中で素晴らしい取り組みをおこなうパートナーと協力関係を結びました。
2016年5月に広州の53美術館で「WALK ON THE SEA / 海の上を歩く」を企画し、10名のアーティストと2週間ほど現地で滞在制作を行いました。親切な美術館スタッフや意欲のある学生スタッフのサポートにより、素晴らしい環境で制作することが出来ました。この展覧会は中国メディアでも取り上げられ、オープニングには日本大使館から総領事が来場するなど、参加アーティストにとって貴重な経験になったと思います。
その後、ブルガリア(ソフィア)のWater Tower Art Fest、モンゴルのLand Art Mongolia、ドイツ(ドレスデン)のOSTRALE、ポーランド(ポズナン)の5th Mediations Biennaleとパートナーシップを結んでいる展覧会に参加しました。
2016年10月にはタイのチェンマイ大学アートセンターにて、中之条ビエンナーレから6名とチェンマイのアーティスト7名で「Sharing the Future / 未来共有展」を企画しました。1カ月近い滞在制作期間の中では、チェンマイ大学の学生と共に制作や中之条ビエンナーレについて特別講義を行い濃密な時間を過ごしました。また、中之条ビエンナーレに参加したチェンマイのアーティストに案内いただき、地元の寺院やお祭りを見学することで、お互いの文化の理解と交流を深めました。
総合ディレクター 山重徹夫
Things We Send from Nakanojo to the World
Since its inception in 2007 Nakanojo Biennale has welcomed many artists, from both Japan and all over the world. It’s a pleasure to see the circle of artists and local residents growing every year thanks to the artists residency programme. Especially for international artists it’s a rare opportunity to see and experience elements of mountain culture, hot-springs, agriculture and silk farming.
The number of international participating artists grows bigger each year. In 2015, the 5th biennale, we had thirty two artists from twelve countries including: South Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Italy, UK, Poland, Germany and Israel. I saw and heard many different languages flying around, artists sharing and forming relationships despite the differences in culture and language. All due to the power of art.
Our cultural exchange programme started in 2013, we participated in Pavilion Zero (Venice, Italy, 2013), Nacha Artists’ Residence (Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2013), 4th Mediations Biennale (Poznań, Poland, 2014) and we made partnerships with some incredible people from different cultures and countries. At the 2015 Nakanojo Biennale we also invited two curators from Poland and Thailand, along with artists from the open call but we couldn’t have made this happen without help from local volunteers and government. Local residents told me of a new appreciation for the beauty of Nakanojo and for learning again about the culture that’s been passed on. How it made them feel proud and privileged to live in Nakanojo.
We can’t learn each other’s culture just by inviting international artists to Nakanojo. In order to form a worldwide network for both communities we thought it necessary to make direct relationships with exhibitions and museums all over Japan, not just through Tokyo and Osaka. In 2016, a gap year from Nakanojo Biennale, we selected artists from 2015 and sent them overseas for exchange exhibitions. There were many practical and financial issues such as: air fares, accommodation and venues but thanks to sponsors from Nakanojo and embassy support we made a year of activity.
2016 May, WALK ON THE SEA, 53 Art Museum, Guangzhou, China.
10 artists took a two week residency. With thanks to the very kind museum staff and support from the passionate students we could focus on creating in such a wonderful environment. This exhibition was featured in the Chinese Media, and the Japanese Consul General attended the opening ceremony, so it was a very precious experience for the participants.
Later we participated in Water Tower Art Fest, Sofia, Bulgaria; Land Art Mongolia, Mongolia; OSTRALE, Dresden, Germany; 5th Mediations Biennale, Poznań, Poland.
In October 2016 at Chiang Mai University Art Center, Thailand, six artists from Nakanojo Biennale and seven local artists presented an exhibition titled “Sharing the Future”. During nearly one month of residency we created and also gave lectures with students from Chiang Mai University, we had a very fulfilling time together. Local artists, who had previously participated in Nakanojo Biennale, showed us around, visiting temples and festivals. We deepened our connection and understanding with the people of Chiang Mai.
The reason these projects came together is due to the community we have built between international artists and the local residents that support the festival. I’m so grateful and appreciate their help to make sure Japanese artists can concentrate on creation.
Over the past ten years our achievements in Nakanojo will one day have to be passed on to the next generation. I hope that what they’ve seen at Biennale and what they’ve learnt will support them when they grow up and that they can re-connect with friends met through our activities. Your home being open to the world gives rich possibilities for future generations. It’s an honour to be part of this exchange project, moving beyond borders, cultures and generations.
I’m hoping Nakanojo Biennale will become an international hub for art and culture, and will flourish in the world of art for all involved.
Tetsuo Yamashige, Nakanojo Biennale General Director