アーティスト・チャンネル ARTIST CHANNEL

醸しの間 Brewing Room

鹿野 裕介 Yusuke Shikano Yusuke Shikano


As a person who loves drinking sake, it is an honor to create and exhibit my work in a sake brewery. However, it is a sad dilemma of not being able to drink their sake anymore. It’s not about making, but about brewing sake. I would like to brew my work instead of making my work. I would appreciate it if you could enjoy my work just like you would enjoy drinking sake. It would be even better if you could get drunk with my work. Mind you, drinking alcohol under the age of 20 is prohibited by law.


その他の作品Other Works

六合に探す Finding in Kuni

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齋江 貴志 Takashi Saie Takashi Saie

作品番号 116 Opus number 116

共に感じる…対話の鑑賞会 -What Comes Out of Chaos- "Sensing Together...Dialogue Appreciation Event."

コントンミーティングの会場では、インクルーシブアートコーディネータ―学習会/研究会に参加してい The Mirumiru Tsunagaru Project was run through the collaboration of Nakanojo Art Campus @Gundaibi

CONTON_meeting コントンミーティング CONTON_meeting

After the rain After the rain

水は日常ありふれた、しかし最も重要な物質である。様々な形状、状態であらゆる物質と関係し、影響を Water is very common but one of the most important substances on the earth. It relates to and inf

白矢 幸司 Koji Shiraya Koji Shiraya

作品番号 083 Opus number 083