芸術と自然の衝突 Collision Art and Nature
Establish a confluence and interactive relationship with nature during the residency. Pay attention to the use of natural materials and the experience of the creative process. Organic elements such as soil, wood, branches, and organisms such as plants and moss are integrated into the work. Local space, time, light, and other natural phenomena are used as media for artistic expression, blurring the boundaries between art and the environment, and eventually become part of the work.
- エリア : AREA : 四万温泉Shima-Onsen
- 会場 : VENUE : 旧第三小学校Former Daisan Elementary School
その他の作品Other Works
中之条ビエンナーレ 2023 も閉幕の時を迎えます。パフォーマンスの後は参加アーティストと一緒 The Nakanojo Biennale 2023 is coming to a close. After the closing performance, you can meet the
いくらまりえ、ダニエル・ヘイズ東京、DamaDamTal、野口桃江、Lily Marie Ikura, Daniel Heys Tokyo, DamaDamTal, Momoko Noguchi and Lily Marie Ikura, Daniel Heys Tokyo, DamaDamTal, Momoko Noguchi and Lily