遡及空間(そきゅうくうかん) The Retroactive Space
There is nostalgia in an abandoned school. As a child, empty lots and schoolyards were the best places to play. There are memories of days when we played with our imaginations and created a virtual spatial labyrinth. There is deep psychology hidden in myths and fairy tales and the embodiment of rites of passage. In the area of Shima Onsen, I create a dragon vein of delusion. My work is not sculpture. I create my work with the desire to freely draw pictures in the air. I use the earth as my canvas and paint in all directions. The painter is always aware of the support of the painting and perceives the space by cutting it out with a frame. Rather than seeing a three-dimensional object as an entity, he transforms it in his brain as a plane.
- エリア : AREA : 四万温泉Shima-Onsen
- 会場 : VENUE : 旧第三小学校Former Daisan Elementary School
その他の作品Other Works

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いくらまりえ、ダニエル・ヘイズ東京、DamaDamTal、野口桃江、Lily Marie Ikura, Daniel Heys Tokyo, ダマダムタル, Momoko Noguchi, リリィ Marie Ikura, Daniel Heys Tokyo, DamaDamTal, Momoko Noguchi and Lily