What’s Your Name? What’s Your Name?
In this work, a lineage born by chance is engraved. In modern life, we spend a lot of time connected to the Internet. On the Internet, names, icons, signatures, IDs, anonymity, etc. are mixed as symbols that indicate oneself. Therefore, in this work, you
once again come face to face with the symbols that represent yourself. “Let’s write a symbol that represents yourself on the wall of a small house that has been installed.” The connection with the people who visit this place will be carved here as a temporary genealogy.
- エリア : AREA : 伊参Isama
- 会場 : VENUE : 伊参スタジオIsama Studio Park
その他の作品Other Works
五感を使った共生感覚あそび開発と、みんな とつながる上毛かるたの展示と体験 Development of Symbiotic Sensory Play Using the Five Senses and Jomo Karuta, Which Can Be Touched and Played
共生をテーマに、触覚や聴覚や嗅覚などをフルに使って想像力を刺激する CONTON_meetin The theme of the CONTON_meeting is “symbiosis” and stimulates the imagination through the full us
CONTON_meeting コントンミーティング CONTON_meeting
作品番号 057 Opus number 057