1年生の皆さんに接着剤と色水で『細胞』を作ることを体験してもらい、後半は皆の『細胞』を集結させて、等身大の人の形(細胞マン)を作っていただきました。 細胞作りでは、身近にある文房具でも面白いものができる・自分の思うようにならない体験などを通じ、アートの可能性を感じてもらえたら嬉しいです。後半の細胞マン作りでは、班での協働がポイントであり、皆さん試行錯誤しながら見事に各クラスで細胞マンが誕生していました。各班が担当した紙を合わせて人の形になった瞬間は歓声が上がり、私もワクワクしました。
In January 2023, Nakanojo Junior High School held a special art class with two participating artists of the Nakanojo Biennale as instructors. On the second floor of Isamamura, We exhibited the results of the special class.
Cells! Gather Around! Forms of Life Created With Everyone – Birth! Cell Man!
Instructor: Atsuko Yamagata
The first-year students, experienced making “cells” with glue and colored water. During the second part of the workshop, they gathered their “cells” to make a life-size human form (Cell Man). Through the cell-making process, I hope the students experienced the possibilities of art by creating interesting things with ordinary stationery materials and learning to adapt when things didn’t go as planned. In the latter half of the workshop, the key to making Cell Man was collaboration among the groups. Each class created their own Cell Man through trial and error. When the papers from each group came together to shape a person, there were shouts of joy, and I felt thrilled too.
Forms of Life Created with Lines – Art with Wire!
Instructor: Yuji Nishijima
The second-year students, created animals and other creatures using wire. Using only wire, a linear material, how do they express three-dimensional forms? How do they make three-dimensional observations that they are usually unaware of? How do they handle unfamiliar tools and materials to make a modeling object stand up? Initially, they were puzzled, but gradually they embraced the challenge and found joy in shaping their creations. I would be happy if this experience of exploring interests and creating with simple materials inspires new ideas for future activities.