永井 俊平 Shunpei Nagai Shunpei Nagai
作品番号 055 Opus number 055轟々と流れる Roaring and Flowing
During my stay two years ago, I was hit by heavy rain several times. After the thunder roared loudly overhead, large drops of rain hit the vast earth. There were no obstacles around, the rice fields spread out all over, and the roaring sound of thunder echoed overhead. Black clouds were in the lead-colored sky and the sound of thunder spread sideways. The rain was beating down, and the falling masses of water swirled endlessly down the concrete-paved road. It seemed to flow like a river.
That experience was the basis for the creation of this work.
- エリア : AREA : 伊参Isama
- 会場 : VENUE : 伊参スタジオIsama Studio Park