Unaccustomed Neighbors - Chapter 1 Unaccustomed Neighbors - Chapter 1
T, a novelist in Japan, got sick during the pandemic and was unable to write. To recover from his illness, he traveled around the country and took pictures. One day, he realized that he had been thinking the same thing over and over again. ‘A part of what I see might not exist…’
- エリア : AREA : 沢渡暮坂Sawatari Kuresaka
- 会場 : VENUE : 旧沢渡館Sawatarikan
その他の作品Other Works

商店街のバッグ製作をきっかけに 2022 年から始まった伊勢町睦会×吾妻中央高校×西岳拡貴によ This is a project by Isemachi Mutsumikai, Agatsuma Chuo HighSchool, and Hiroki Nishitake, which b
伊勢町睦会×吾妻中央高校×西岳拡貴 Isemachi-Mutsumikai × Agatsuma Chuo High School × Hiroki Nishitake Isemachi-Mutsumikai × Agatsuma Chuo High School × Hiroki Nishitake
作品番号 002 Opus number 002