私は木 : 伐採の進化史 I Am a Tree: Evolutionary History of Felling
Human beings have used wood as a building material for a long time, contributing to the history of human development but at the cost of the lives of trees. In this work, trees are regarded as human bodies, where logs, stakes, and woodchips show the various life stages of trees. It combines human models to remind human beings to see trees as the same kind, not as others in nature.
- エリア : AREA : 四万温泉Shima-Onsen
- 会場 : VENUE : 旧第三小学校Former Daisan Elementary School
その他の作品Other Works

-混沌から生まれるもの- みんなとつながる上毛かるた -What Comes Out of Chaos- “Jomo Karuta (a Japanese card game) to Connect with Everyone”
群馬県の郷土かるた「上毛かるた」を、見える人見えない人見えにくい人、みんなが繋がるコミュニケー The Mirumiru Tsunagaru Project was run through the collaboration of Nakanojo Art Campus @Gundaibi
CONTON_meeting コントンミーティング CONTON_meeting