鉄、還る山 Iron, the Mountain of Return
While searching for the source of red iron oxide pigment, I came across a colony of Chatsubomigoke (a type of rare moss) in the
Kuni district in Nakanojomachi. The Chatsubomigoke inhabits the Gunma Iron Mine where the limonite deposits are formed
by biomineralization – the process by which living organisms produce minerals. You can observe the appearance of iron as a
natural product. This mine has a history of supporting modern industry as a major domestic iron resource. After the reforestation, it still retains the appearance from the past and creates a new natural environment. When we try to trace the origin of materials, we find people’s activities and the mechanism of nature. I am pleased to exhibit my encounter with this precious landscape at the former Oshi Station, which played a significant role in transporting iron ore.
- エリア : AREA : 六合Kuni
- 会場 : VENUE : 旧太子駅Former Oshi Station
その他の作品Other Works
五感を使った共生感覚あそび開発と、みんな とつながる上毛かるたの展示と体験 Development of Symbiotic Sensory Play Using the Five Senses and Jomo Karuta, Which Can Be Touched and Played
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CONTON_meeting コントンミーティング CONTON_meeting
作品番号 057 Opus number 057