アーティスト・チャンネル ARTIST CHANNEL

かくれんぼ Hide-and-Seek

加藤 崇 Takashi Kato Takashi Kato


The cup for drinking coffee.  Ashtray with a cigarette butt. Bedclothes are wet with sweat. The flower that dried. The wind blowing through a room. When the smell of this house and the smell of my house became the same.
Let’s begin Hide-and-Seek together. I can begin soon. “Are you ready?”


その他の作品Other Works

六合の奏(かなで)・風鈴プロジェクト The Sound of Kuni: A Wind Bell Project

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白根開善学校 Shirane Kaizen School Shirane Kaizen School

作品番号 109 Opus number 109

アーティストトーク 9/16 Artist Talk Program, September 16

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