かくれんぼ Hide-and-Seek
The cup for drinking coffee. Ashtray with a cigarette butt. Bedclothes are wet with sweat. The flower that dried. The wind blowing through a room. When the smell of this house and the smell of my house became the same.
Let’s begin Hide-and-Seek together. I can begin soon. “Are you ready?”
- エリア : AREA : 六合Kuni
- 会場 : VENUE : 長英の隠れ家「湯本家」Choei Hidden Place “Yumoto-ke”
その他の作品Other Works

総合ディレクター山重徹夫と全26組の作家による作品説明や活動紹介など、中之条ビエンナーレ公式Y These talks are descriptions of the artists’ work and activities. Please join to hear inter
豊田朝美 / 福島陽子 / SAYAKA ASAI + Lily / 巳巳 / 西岳拡貴 / 糸井潤 / 山本純子 / 矢作隆一 Asami Toyoda / Yoko Fukushima / SAYAKA ASAI + Lily / MiMi / Hiroki Nishitake / Jun Itoi / Junko Yamamoto / Ryuichi Yahagi