空間の映像化 Visualization of Space
The rooms are set side by side and separated by a wall. Inside each of them are sets of cameras, projectors, and monitors. With its equipment, images in one room are projected in the other, and the spaces are exchanged visually. Viewers move in the two visually identical spaces as if watching the same video repeatedly, seeing the two places. We can see identical images at different times with video. In this work, viewers experience space like they are watching a video and may consider the idea of watching video as a physical experience.
- エリア : AREA : 沢渡暮坂Sawatari Kuresaka
- 会場 : VENUE : 旧沢田小学校Former Sawada Elementary School
その他の作品Other Works
Grandi Mostri Ci Accompagnano - 大きな怪物たちと連れ立って - Grandi Mostri Ci Accompagnano - The GreaMonsters Accompany Us
疫病、飢饉や戦争など人間が歴史的に遭遇する“悪”に対して、アートがどのように向き合って克服して Art has faced and overcome the “evil” that humans have historically encountered, such
クリスティアン・ボッフェッリ Cristian Boffelli Cristian Boffelli
作品番号 002 Opus number 002