いのちの紋 Crest of Life
I use pottery in my production. Pottery is regarded as an artificial object in which the soil cuts off the natural circulation. It encourages one’s willingness to leave something and the imagination of how one interacts with nature. The Yumoto family has pressed flower specimens of wildflowers that have been handed down since the Edo period. Specimen plants have a semi-permanent time. The pressed flower specimens also feel like artificial mummies that cut off the natural circulation. This time, I will create a work inspired by the forms of pressed flower specimens and wild grasses familiar to me. It is a raw engraving and exhibited as a natural and artificial crystal.
- エリア : AREA : 六合Kuni
- 会場 : VENUE : 長英の隠れ家「湯本家」Choei Hidden Place “Yumoto-ke”