風を掴む木 月を呑む滝 A Tree That Grasps the Wind, a Waterfall That Swallows the Moon
地元の人に教えられて訪ねた古い松の木。樹齢300 年はあると言うがその佇まいは異形であった。幹はうねりながら上空へと昇り八方に伸びた枝は積年の風を受け止め続けいびつに折れ曲がり曲がりくねったところから更に伸びている。その姿は、まるで空にしがみつこうとする腕に見えた。
I visited an old pine tree after learning about it from a local person. The tree is said to be 300 years old, and its appearance was unusual. The trunk swells and rises to the sky. The branches that extend in all directions continue to receive the wind of many years and expand further from where it bends in a distorted manner. Its appearance looked like an arm trying to cling to the sky.
- エリア : AREA : 沢渡暮坂Sawatari Kuresaka
- 会場 : VENUE : 沢渡ギャラリーSawatari Gallery