風の龍:最終形態 中之条ビエンナーレの夜 Wind Dragon: Final Form - A Night in Nakanojo Biennale
Nakanojo Biennale has forgotten the night. Let’s go out at night in Nakanojo and look outdoors! There are many artworks on display that show a different face compared to the daytime. Sharpen your eyes and ears and enjoy the artwork at night. Nighttime is a primitive time to regain emotions and strength. Wind Dragon: Final Form appears at night. He shines his body with the fire of solar energy and swims from Chikato Shrine to the summit of Takeyama Reizan. He carries the losers’ requiescats to heaven and the endless love entrusted to the carp streamers from the parents to the children. He shows his final appearance as a heroic figure. *The Chikato Shrine was built to comfort the souls of the Warring States period. *Many Carp streamers swim in the same place every year on children’s Day.
- エリア : AREA : 伊参Isama
- 会場 : VENUE : 道の駅「霊山たけやま」Road Station Reizan-Takeyama