エリア : つむじ Area : tsumuji
( 現在 147作品 ) ( Currently 147 works )中之条ビエンナーレ2021の展示作品、イベントの映像アーカイブです(順次公開) Video archive of works and events exhibited at the Nakanojo Biennale 2021 (released sequentially).

障害福祉×デザインの協働チーム「想造楽工(そうぞうがっこう)」で、ビエンナーレインフォメーショ Sozogakko is a design team that collaborates with disabled people. We received a request to creat
YORIKO(想造楽工)collaborated with 障害福祉サービス事業所 ほほえみ工舎
YORIKO (SOZOGAKKO) collaborated with Hohoemi-Kosha (welfare facility for the disabled people)
YORIKO (SOZOGAKKO) collaborated with Hohoemi-Kosha (welfare facility for the disabled people)