潜水士 Diver
I started this new work after meeting the father and son of divers by chance while organizing an art festival on the Tokyo islands. As I filmed divers with the theme of humans and their labors in the sea, various topics came to me, such as deep-sea research, earthquake disasters, satoumi activities (increasing biological productivity and biodiversity by human interaction in the coastal area), environmental issues, SDGs, maritime archeology, gender, and sex. Now that everyone can film and edit videos, I am interested in underwater video shooting, which has physical restraints such as weightlessness. I have
a joke that the only way to escape from the coronavirus is in the sea. This video installation work that includes the sound of the deep sea can only be experienced at the Isama Studio Park Gymnasium.
- エリア : AREA : 伊参Isama
- 会場 : VENUE : 伊参スタジオIsama Studio Park
その他の作品Other Works
総合ディレクター山重徹夫と全26組の作家による作品説明や活動紹介など、中之条ビエンナーレ公式Y These talks are descriptions of the artists’ work and activities. Please join to hear inter
半谷学 / 鉾井喬 / 早崎真奈美 / 西島雄志 / 森本一朗 / 太田祐司 / AYUMI ADACHI / 韓成南 Manabu Hangai / Takashi Hokoi / Manami Hayasaki / Yuji Nishijima / Ichiro Morimoto / Yuji Ota / AYUMI ADACHI / Sung Nam HAN