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農具ミュージック Farming Tool Music

岡淳&音楽水車プロジェクト Makoto Oka & Musicmill Project Makoto Oka & Musicmill Project


Agricultural and sericultural tools that once existed naturally in people’s lives have almost vanished during modernization. Those devices that only exist in the corner of people’s memory or a dark corner of a barn are now transformed into musical instruments and brought onto the stage. The recollections engraved on those rustic devices resonate with melodies and rhythms. We plan to invite guests during the exhibition to perform several
live performances. Unfortunately, some work exhibits cannot be viewed on the performance date.


その他の作品Other Works

吹けば飛ぶサカナ When Blown Sakana, Sakana Flew

私はこれまで空間に対する絵画の可能性をテーマに作品制作を行ってきた。この作品は人々の架空の故郷 I have been creating works on the theme of the possibility of painting for a space. This work see

おおだいらまこ Mako Oodaira Mako Oodaira

作品番号 068 Opus number 068

Obscurita Obscurita

この作品は、光と闇のバランスについて扱う。闇は光から生まれ、光は闇から現れる。すべては沈黙の中 This work is about the balance between light and darkness. Darkness is born of light, and light a

トマーシュ・ウェンドランド Tomasz Wendland Tomasz Wendland

作品番号 095 Opus number 095

Round House Round House

ころころと、丸い家で引っ越していく。その地その地の風土に合わせて少しずつリフォームを繰り返しな Roll and move a round house, repeating renovation little by little adjusting it to the climate of

森本 一朗 Ichiro Morimoto Ichiro Morimoto

作品番号 108 Opus number 108