快適な部屋をつくるには In Order to Make a Comfortable Room
When I touch the collapsed soil, give it a shape, look at it, draw it, observe it well, and wait for it to collapse again, I am surprised and adored by the movement of new plants and their change in shape. There are moments when things that you thought you couldn’t see become visible in a big flow. In previous works, I aimed to create something that would allow viewers to have such experiences. Our lifestyle has changed, and when we imagine the future, we first want to have a “comfortable room.” I would like to create the comfort of sitting, lying down, and feeling the smell of the soil in the wind.
- エリア : AREA : 六合Kuni
- 会場 : VENUE : ホタル小径Firefly Path
その他の作品Other Works

総合ディレクター山重徹夫と全26組の作家による作品説明や活動紹介など、中之条ビエンナーレ公式Y These talks are descriptions of the artists’ work and activities. Please join to hear inter
Remi OGIHARA Takahiro / 中村Mather 美香 / 内山依津花 / 髙橋莉子 / 林耕史 / Makoto / 宮嵜浩(BOMBRAI WEST) / 井出高史 Remi OGIHARA Takahiro / Mika Nakamura-Mather / Itsuka Uchiyama / Riko Takahashi / HAYASHI Koshi / Makoto / Hiroshi Miyazaki (BOMBRAI WEST) / Takafumi Ide