Time Quarantine Time Quarantine
This is an installation that moves house dust with static electricity. We define house dust as an artificial life on two sides of the same coin with human activity. Fear of invisible substances such as radioactivity and the new coronavirus is only increasing. There is also violence in chemistry, such as when over-sterilizing kills the indigenous bacteria needed for our skin, making the skin rough. We also know that 45% of human genetic information is a virus or something like a virus. An invisible substance may be said to be a substance that is not trying to see its substance due to lack of knowledge or prejudice. We focused on a substance called dust, which is always generated in the environment where people are present but tends to be avoided.
- エリア : AREA : 伊参Isama
- 会場 : VENUE : 伊参集会所Isama Village Hall
その他の作品Other Works
A「時間と空間に関する 2, 3 の考察」
B「古中之条湖 −記憶の糸−」
A “Couple of Comments on Time and Space”
B “Old Nakanojo Lake - Strings of Memory -”
A. 時間と空間に関する 2, 3 の考察 比較的大規模な時間と空間の概念を A: Couple of Comments on Time and Space It is subtle to have the sense of a relatively l
菅原 久誠 Hisanari Sugawara Hisanari Sugawara
作品番号 041 Opus number 041Grandi Mostri Ci Accompagnano - 大きな怪物たちと連れ立って - Grandi Mostri Ci Accompagnano - The GreaMonsters Accompany Us
疫病、飢饉や戦争など人間が歴史的に遭遇する“悪”に対して、アートがどのように向き合って克服して Art has faced and overcome the “evil” that humans have historically encountered, such
クリスティアン・ボッフェッリ Cristian Boffelli Cristian Boffelli
作品番号 002 Opus number 002