たくさんの分水嶺 / 考え続ける人へ Many Watersheds / To the Person Who Continues
We were rolled up in the flow, unable to fight against Corona. Our lifestyle changes suddenly, and I’m at a loss when I cannot follow the changes. When I followed the history of a person, many turning points (watersheds) are revealed where lives change completely, positively, or negatively. We are experiencing one of the watersheds now. How do you overcome this? Can you make the former world that you came from into a better one? I believe there is power if we continue to think about the possibility of a better future. In Japan, there is a watershed at Nozori Lake.
- エリア : AREA : 伊参Isama
- 会場 : VENUE : 伊参スタジオIsama Studio Park
その他の作品Other Works

この小屋は解体されると聞いた。パタリと簡単に解体されてしまいそうな小屋だ。この小屋にはどんな記 I heard that this hut would be dismantled. It’s a hut that seems to be easily dismantled. I
ますいいリビングカンパニー高崎分室(柳沢和孝+滝本翼) Masuii Living Company (Kazutaka Yanagisawa + Tsubasa Takimoto) Masuii Living Company (Kazutaka Yanagisawa + Tsubasa Takimoto)
作品番号 016 Opus number 016