秘密の花園 The Secret Garden
We all have secret feelings in our hearts. They confessed those precious “HIMITSU♡” feelings amid roses in full bloom. “The Secret Garden” is a “lovely fantasy documentary” that weaves the heart of a maiden in full bloom, her feelings, andexpressions.
- エリア : AREA : 伊参Isama
- 会場 : VENUE : 中之条ガーデンズNakanojo Gardens
その他の作品Other Works
障害福祉×デザインの協働チーム「想造楽工(そうぞうがっこう)」で、ビエンナーレインフォメーショ Sozogakko is a design team that collaborates with disabled people. We received a request to creat
YORIKO(想造楽工)collaborated with 障害福祉サービス事業所 ほほえみ工舎
YORIKO (SOZOGAKKO) collaborated with Hohoemi-Kosha (welfare facility for the disabled people)
YORIKO (SOZOGAKKO) collaborated with Hohoemi-Kosha (welfare facility for the disabled people)