脆弱な絶対と逸脱について Fragile Absolute and Deviant
There was a woman who put her hand on the balcony railing as if she were just going to the convenience store. Death is always an extension of the everyday. How many people are aware of the invisible people who fall
outside the framework of the updated “normal” as “diversity” is decided by someone somewhere? No matter what era you are born into, those who deviate from the “normal” as this world’s “belief” will be eliminated. However, I want to celebrate the birth of someone born today, just as I mourn someone who died today. I hope your future is bright with all my prayers.
- エリア : AREA : 四万温泉Shima-Onsen
- 会場 : VENUE : 旧第三小学校Former Daisan Elementary School
その他の作品Other Works
この小屋は解体されると聞いた。パタリと簡単に解体されてしまいそうな小屋だ。この小屋にはどんな記 I heard that this hut would be dismantled. It’s a hut that seems to be easily dismantled. I
ますいいリビングカンパニー高崎分室(柳沢和孝+滝本翼) Masuii Living Company (Kazutaka Yanagisawa + Tsubasa Takimoto) Masuii Living Company (Kazutaka Yanagisawa + Tsubasa Takimoto)
作品番号 016 Opus number 016