滝沢 礼子 Reiko Takizawa Reiko Takizawa
作品番号 082 Opus number 082「やませ」で庭いじり Gardening of Yamase
遠くに妙義山、榛名山、赤城山の眺望があるここ神保家 通称「やませ」で、私は桜の花が残る春先から少しずつ庭いじりをさせてもらいました。素材は母屋の屋根から下ろした瓦と私の陶の作品と植栽です。岩本地区の人々が作り上げた里山の景観と共に楽しんで頂けたら幸いです。
This mansion called “Yamase” has a beautiful view of Mt. Myogi, Mt. Haruna, and Mt. Akagi in the distance. I have been doing art gardening here since early spring. The materials are Japanese roof tiles from the Edo period, which are no longer used, and my ceramic works and planting. I hope you enjoy the scenery created by the people in the Iwamoto area and my artwork.
その他の作品Other Works
障害福祉×デザインの協働チーム「想造楽工(そうぞうがっこう)」で、ビエンナーレインフォメーショ Sozogakko is a design team that collaborates with disabled people. We received a request to creat
YORIKO(想造楽工)collaborated with 障害福祉サービス事業所 ほほえみ工舎
YORIKO (SOZOGAKKO) collaborated with Hohoemi-Kosha (welfare facility for the disabled people)
YORIKO (SOZOGAKKO) collaborated with Hohoemi-Kosha (welfare facility for the disabled people)