小屋の記憶 Memory of the Hut
I heard that this hut would be dismantled. It’s a hut that seems to be easily dismantled. I was wondering what kind of memory this hut has. Craftsmen and materials at that time. Perhaps it was made with local materials and human hands. By removing the earthen walls and ceiling, the skeleton was exposed. By feeling the familiarity of the materials that make up the hut and the presence of the Craftsmen. I think of people, things, and events in this area. Things that I might forget someday. Things that happened in Nakanojo one day.
- エリア : AREA : 中之条市街地Nakanojo Town Center
- 会場 : VENUE : かたや裏の小屋Small Building Behind Kataya
その他の作品Other Works

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