『彼らとせかいを知るために』『山に浮かぶ』 “To Know the World” and “Indeterminate Child”
戦中、私の出身地である東京都北区滝野川から約三千人あまりの小学生が中之条に疎開していた。山は子供達にとって好奇心を満たす遊び場であり、時に疎開のさみしさや不安を受け入れてくれる場であったようだ。中之条の豊かな自然が子供達の日常を支えていた。あれから 76 年。中之条の自然は今も豊かだ。
“To Know the World”
During late World War II, About 3,000 elementary school students were evacuated from my hometown Takinogawa to Nakanojo. The mountains were a playground for children to satisfy their curiosity and a place to accept the loneliness and anxiety of the evacuation. Nakanojo’s rich nature supported the children’s minds. Seventysix years have passed since the war ended. The nature of Nakanojo is still abundant.
“Indeterminate Child”
During late World War II, About 3,000 elementary school students were evacuated from my hometown Takinogawa to Nakanojo. The mountains were a playground for children to satisfy their curiosity and a place to accept the loneliness and anxiety of the evacuation. Overlapping trees, flowers, insects, and various creatures. The chaotic world of the mountain shows us a view that comes to mind. I think there’s enough tolerance there to accept the thought. This work and my other one, “To Know the World” in Shima Onsen are a pair.
- エリア : AREA : 四万温泉Shima-Onsen
- 会場 : VENUE : 四万川小径Shimagawa Path / ゆずりは足湯飲泉場Yuzuriha Foot Bath