インター ・リアル INTER-REAL
“INTER-REAL” is a word coined by the artist that means “mutual reality.” Inspired by the concept of Umwelt (Environment), in which all living things live in their own subjective world of perception, and dozens of individual environments exist simultaneously. How does the mineral “stone” which does not even have perception, and “human” interact and exist with “sound” as an energy wave? By considering each of these different realities, he hopes to deepen our understanding of this world.
- エリア : AREA : 伊参Isama
- 会場 : VENUE : イサマムラ(旧伊参小学校)Isamamura
その他の作品Other Works
A「時間と空間に関する 2, 3 の考察」
B「古中之条湖 −記憶の糸−」
A “Couple of Comments on Time and Space”
B “Old Nakanojo Lake - Strings of Memory -”
A. 時間と空間に関する 2, 3 の考察 比較的大規模な時間と空間の概念を A: Couple of Comments on Time and Space It is subtle to have the sense of a relatively l
菅原 久誠 Hisanari Sugawara Hisanari Sugawara
作品番号 041 Opus number 041