Grassblade Institute
The main topic of Thomas Mays arts work is grass. He builds installations from that, make workshops with a lot of participants,organize speeches with grass maniacs, as f. ex. the head greenskeeper of the german soccer club. In his work the biological facts about the plant are less important as the symbolic / iconographic meaning for human being.
Starting with the international GrassbladeProject, a collection of about more than 16 000 wooden carved blades of grass from different people all around the world, he is running now a GrassbladeInstitute, which has developed from that.
That is working generally like a scientific institution wich collects everything related to the topic of grass. As an art project it is using a scientific a scientific way of organizing and presenting, It is able to have an obviously subjective way by researches at the field of the plant grass.
It contains a grass library, a colocation of contemporary poems dealing with the topic grass, the collection of the carved grass blades from more then 10 000 people from different cultural and social background and many more.
Thomas May