馬場 恵

Megumi Baba


In the fields and the mountains, in specimens, in books, I find the beautiful forms and structures of nature. By engraving these forms on a plate for prints, I receive their forms of life and recreate them as my works. From the human unique imagination that is born and multiplies there, I make my works as completely new way of perceiving nature and the view accepting the world from nature. With the light of the sun, the breathing air, the spreading earth and the pure water, all life is connected and we are all here and now.


2024年 独立行政法人大学改革支援・学位授与機構より芸術学学士取得(緑秀賞受賞)
2010年-2023年 慶應義塾大学通信教育課程文学部1類在籍
1993年 創形美術学校版画科卒業


2023 ” metaspecies / Cycle of Light – subsurface-“ , HOWHOUSE gallery-R, 東京
2017 “自然のための驚異の部屋” 三省堂書店 ナチュラルヒトリエ,東京
2016 “自然のための驚異の部屋” ウサギノネドコ,京都
2015 “Entropy/Life” art gallery close, 東京
2012 “mutant” RENSEI PRINT PARK, 3331 Arts Chiyoda,東京
2011 “metaspecies” GARELIE Malle, 東京
2010 “Strategy” art gallery closet,東京
2009 “EXPERIMENT” art space 88,東京
2008 “moments” art gallery closet,東京
2006 “Plants in a Chemical Garden” もみの木画廊,東京
2005 “Chemical Garden”東京オペラシティーアートギャラリー/project N, 東京
2003 “Shape- Pain Killers” Zaギャラリー文京,東京
2002 “Shape-Fragments” スカイドア・アートプレイス青山,東京
2001 “Shape-Forms from Plants and Minerals”楓画廊,新潟
1999 “Shape” スカイドア・アートプレイス青山,東京
1998 “Stripe and Figure”ギャラリーU,東京
1997 “Tea + Garden” コネクションスクエア,東京
“Uncertain feels” スカイドア・アートプレイス青山,東京


2022 “不自然(マンメイドな)植物”展・角川武蔵野ミュージアム・
2019 ” Equilibrium “ Exhibition Art/NaturSci Pavilion
Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello – Associazione Culturale Italo-Tedesca, ベニス,イタリア 2018 Art Meets 05 /菊池敏正・馬場恵展/ アーツ前橋・前橋市/群馬県
“Eco-connectivity” Berlin Science week, Humbold t-Universität zu Berlin’s Thaer-Institut & Science Branch Libraries,Art Science Exhibits Berlin,ベルリン・ドイツ
2016 WAC8 世界考古学会議京都”かけらたちの庭”展・京都両足院・建仁寺・京都市/京都府
2015 中之条ビエンナーレ六合地区・湯本家にて展示。中之条町/群馬県
2014  ”六合 七月 小径” 中之条ビエンナーレ・プレイベント/中之条町湯本家、群馬県
2013 中之条ビエンナーレ・六合地区・湯本家にて展示。中之条町/群馬県
WANSAKA Forest 渋谷パルコ・パルコギャラリー
2012 “花に集う” 渋谷パルコ・パルコギャラリー
2011 東日本大震災復興支援チャリティーアート展 gallery COEXIST/東京
2010 “Rebirth” Art 18/21, ノーリッチ・イギリス
2008 “LOCUS2008 Books” Norwich gallery/ ノーリッチ・イギリス2007 “LOCUS2007” Norwich University of the Arts/ ノーリッチ・イギリス2005 “ANTS Book work Exhibition” Bookart bookshop,ロンドン・イギリス2004 “LOCUS International Exchange Exhibition” Norwich University of the Arts/ ノーリッチ・イギリス


2024 BA of Arts from the National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (Ryokushuu Prize)
2010-2023 Enrolled in the correspondence course at Keio University,
Faculty of Literature 1
1993 Graduated from SOUKEI academy of Fine art & Design
Department of Printmaking

Solo exhibitions

2023 ” metaspecies / Cycle of Light – subsurface-, HOWHOUSE gallery-R, Tokyo
2017 “Wunderkammer für Natur ” Naturalis Historia, Tokyo
2016 “Wunderkammer für Natur ”Usagi no nedoko ,Kyoto
2015 “Entropy/Life” art gallery closet, Tokyo
2012 “mutant” RENSEI PRINT PARK, 3331 Arts Chiyoda,Tokyo
2011 “metaspecies” GARELIE Malle, Tokyo
2010 “Strategy” art gallery closet ,Tokyo
2009 “EXPERIMENT” art space 88,Tokyo
2008 “moments” art gallery closet, Tokyo
2006 “Plants in a Chemical Garden”, gallery Mominoki, Tokyo,
2005 “Chemical Garden”/project N,Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery/ Tokyo,
2003 “Shape- Pain Killers” Za gallery BUNKYO, Tokyo,
2002 “Shape-Fragments” Skydoor Art Place AOYAMA, Tokyo.
2001 “Shape-Forms from Plants and Minerals”, Kaede gallery , Niigata
1999 “Shape” Skydoor Art Place AOYAMA, Tokyo.
1998 “Stripe and Figure”, gallery U, Tokyo,
1997 “Tea + Garden” ,Connection Square, Tokyo,
“Uncertain feels” Skydoor Art Place AOYAMA, Tokyo.

Group shows

2022 “manmade plants “exhibition, Kadokawa Culture Museum, Saitama, Japan
2019 ” Equilibrium “ Exhibition Art/NaturSci Pavilion
Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello – Associazione Culturale Italo-Tedesca, Venice, Italy
2018 “Art Meets 05 / Toshimasa Kikuchi, Megumi Baba exhibition” Arts Maebashi public museum, Gunma, Japan
“Eco-connectivity” Berlin Science week, Humbold t-Universität zu Berlin’s Thaer-Institut & Science Branch Libraries,Art Science Exhibits Berlin, Germany
2016 WAC – 8, Kyoto 2016,Art & Archeology exhibition “ the garden of the fragments “, Ryosoku-in temple, Kyoto,Japan
2015 Nakanojo Biennale. Exhibit at Yumoto house in Kuni area,
2014 “Kuni Nanagatsu Komichi” Nakanojo Biennale event, Kuni area, Yumoto house,
2013 Nakanojo Biennale. Exhibit at Yumoto house in Kuni area, Gunma,Japan
“WANSAKA Forest” , PARCO gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2012 “Hana ni tsudou” PARCO gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2011 Charity art exhibition to support the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, gallery COEXIST, Tokyo, Japan
2010 “Rebirth” Art 18/21/ Norwich, England
2008 “LOCUS2008 Books” Norwich gallery, England
2007 “LOCUS2007” Norwich University of the Arts, England
2005 “ANTS Book work Exhibition” Bookart bookshop, London, England
2004 “LOCUS International Exchange Exhibition” Norwich University of the Arts/ Norwich, England


  • 馬場 恵 ARTWORKS
  • 馬場 恵 ARTWORKS
  • 馬場 恵 ARTWORKS
  • 馬場 恵 ARTWORKS
  • 馬場 恵 ARTWORKS
  • 馬場 恵 ARTWORKS