
Tanya P Johnson




“Wisdom Engine” という作品は、知覚、無限性、プラーナ/生命力の放つベクトルマップです。
私は、意識の状態を集結しまたは分離する 、即ち人が眠りにつくとき、または生から死に移るとき、交差する覚醒から催眠への移行、などの比喩的な境界線に関心があります。

私 の“animate drawings” は、自分自身の心を諦観する習練と磁気、空虚感についての考察を映しています。


I am a Kenyan born South African artist based in Canada.
My practice includes painting, papercutting, collage, assemblage, installation and drawing. I also write, make public and land art.

My work is concerned with ideas of liminality, consciousness and transformation. It explores my perception of death and the afterlife.

My drawings are vector maps of perception, boundlessness, and prana/life force.
The work attempts to find image to express the awareness of awareness; it is at once a download and an upload.
It is concerned with the metaphorical horizon line that holds together and separates states of consciousness, the hypnagogic line crossed as one falls asleep, or even as one passes from life into death
The maps explore the elasticity of time and space, and the relationship between frequency and image. They reflect an examination of the liminal space between states and my experience of the texture of threshold.
I investigate the continual interaction between the dynamics of contraction and expansion and the intersection of the notion of the eternal and that of timelessness or the infinite.
My work is informed by a lived realization of how sound connects worlds and endeavours to describe the information and intelligence found in the traverse.

My animate-drawings reflect a practice of observing my own mind and the consideration of electromagnetism and emptiness. The work integrates a symbology of micro and macrocosmic orbiting with an interest in myth, ecology, and storytelling. It is informed by the study of mathematics, mysticism and ancient sacred texts.


Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art (BFA)

2023 Samson, Kerala, India
2023 Nakanojo Biennale, Japan
2023 Mantra Amplifier, Ras Al Khaimah Fine Arts Festival, United Arab Emirates
2023 Samson, Paris, France
2022 Graphica Creativa Print Triennale, Finland
2022 International Paper Biennale, Belgium
2021 Love Thy Neighbour, Asia Triennial Manchester 21, United Kingdom
2021 Wisdom Engines, London Biennale, United Kingdom
2021 Eclipse, Anima Mundi, Primopiano Gallery, Lecce, Italy
2021 Distance, Lacuna Festivals, Spain
2021 Samson, GREC, Festival de Barcelona, Spain
2021 Samson, Festival d’Avignon, France
2021 Orfeus, Wordfess, Stellenbosch, South Africa
2021 Istanbul International Art Fair, Turkey
2020 Wisdom Engines and Evolutes, Mediations Biennale Polska, Poland
2020 Samson, Festival d’Avignon, France
2019 Afterlife of a House, Nakanajo Biennale, Japan
2019 This is a Photograph of Me, Arts Assembly and Halka Art Project, Istanbul, Turkey
2019 Conversation with my Dead Self, Arts Assembly and Halka Art Project, Vancouver, Canada
2019-20 Samson, performance/installation, design collaboration with Brett Bailey, Wordfees, Stellenbosch, SA, National Arts Festival, Grahamstown, SA
2018 Story Keepers, Mongolia Land Art Biennale, Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2018 DAS, Amsterdam University of the Artes, Netherlands
2018 The Seventh Hill, 4Bid Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands

2020-22 Research and Creation Project grant, Canada Council
2019 Project Travel Grant, Canada Council
2015 Slocan Valley Arts Council, Community Program Grant, Slocan Valley, BC
2013/14 CKCA Major Project Funding, Nelson, BC
2014 CKCA Community Program Grant, Winlaw, BC
2012 CKCA Community Program Grant, Slocan, BC
2009/10 CKCA Major Project Grant Funding, Nelson, BC