星 素子

Motoko Hoshi
星 素子





I support and seek to expand the imagination of human beings. I think it is the essence of our zest for living and we cannot live without it, now or in the future.

When I was a child, I felt as if words were like the countless grains of sand that run through your fingers when you scoop up water from the sea. When I went hiking with vision-impaired people, it made me wonder why so many words were necessary to describe the visible world, yet there were never enough words to convey what was in my heart. It is through communication that we share the joy of living. This desire to scoop up “words that can’t be expressed as words” is the wellspring of my art. I believe that the experiences, memories and discoveries etched deep inside the heart are seeds that bear fruit, opening our path to the future. From “Sodoku”—education through practice—I received the baton of culture, while the forms of the tea ceremony gave me a breakthrough experience. My desire to fuse literature and art took me to university and then to a job as a copywriter, where I worked daily with words and began to wonder, “Why do words require translation?” That question started me on a quest for a new kind of expression with words that, like music, is borderless. Motokotoba, the “word art” I developed—a kind of conceptual art or visual poesy, a typology of circulative verse—forms the axis of my artistic activities. My core motifs are Kanji characters, which combine figurative and abstract elements to transmit prehistoric memories. I view my works as catalysts connecting ancient memories to the contemporary memories, both individual and universal, of those of us living today. In this way I seek to create new possibilities and new values for expression.

In recent years, in workshops, participatory installations, and joint activities with groups of local residents in Japan and abroad, I have taken up the themes of communication, place (locality or environment), and personal vs. public to encourage different ways of viewing and feeling things. Through these activities I attempt to create “experiences” that will awaken our perceptions and imaginations.


教育:日本大学藝術学部 文芸学科ジャーナリズム専攻 卒業

Education: Nihon University College of Art, Art and Literary Journalism Department (Bachelor of Arts)


2019 “中之条ビエンナーレ”エデュケーション・プログラム・アーティスト, 群馬
2018 作品恒久設置 “目黒 素ことば” 目黒セントラルスクエア森の広場, 東京
2018/17 “aaca BOX展”建築会館ギャラリー, 東京(オーディエンス賞)
2018/15/13 “日本視覚詩パリ展” ギャラリーサテリットパリ, フランス
2017 “MOTOKOTOBA WORKSHOP” オリエント美術館, ポルトガル ※WS展示
2017 “三三三一ことば市-素ことばワークショップ” 3331アーツ千代田,東京※WS展示
2017/14 “aaca 街に飛び出す作品展” 建築会館ギャラリー, 東京
2016/15 “日韓国際版画展”アートガーデンかわさき,神奈川/ウェイウォンギャラリー,韓国
2015 “雪のランドアートプロジェクト:砂川地域=星素子” 北海道 ※WS展示AIR地域恊働
2014 “雪のランドアートプロジェクト:東神楽地域=星素子” 北海道 ※WS展示AIR地域恊働
2014 “ZERO ART” HpgrpギャラリーNY, アメリカ
2014 “北秋田・大館芸術祭 全国公募展” 秋田(入選)
2014 “Hoshi Motoko WORKSHOP” ホーチミン美術大学ギャラリー, ベトナム ※WS展示
2014 “Art & Break Fast – 素ことばワークショップ” 東京 ※WS公開制作
2014 “EAST MEETS WEST” エゴファインアートLA, アメリカ
2014 “ことばアート〈素ことば〉ワークショップ” 群馬県立近代美術館 ※講演WS展示
2013 “雪のランドアートプロジェクト:美瑛地域=星素子” 北海道 ※WS展示AIR地域恊働
2013 “現代作家によるコラージュ展”ギャルリー志門, 東京
2013 “YCAM10周年Yamaguchi Mini Maker Faire”山口情報芸術センター ※WS展示講演
2012 “野外アート展 トロールの森” 都立善福寺公園, 東京 ※展示WS
2012 “一家一展”上五島町の民家, 長崎
2012 “音楽へのご招待” ギャルリー志門, 東京
2011 “Color on Color 沖縄” 那覇市民ギャラリー, 沖縄
2011 “折形のクリスマスの贈りもの展” 折形デザイン研究所, 東京
2011 “Art Re-Public 創造公園渋谷” NHK前けやき並木, 東京 ※WS
2011 個展 “ことばアート〈素ことば〉の世界” プラザノース, 埼玉 ※展示WS
2010 “黒と白-日本人の精神性と美意識” パリ日仏文化センター, フランス
2010 “環境に愛を” 愛知芸術文化センター, 愛知
2010 “地球が月になるとき” ギャルリー志門, 東京
2010 “素ことばワークショップ” 森下文化センター, 東京 ※WS展示
2010 “フランス美術賞展” モルビアン県図書大ホール, フランス(特別推薦)
2010 “日本フランス現代美術世界展” スパイラル, 東京(入選)
2010 “感性価値デザイン展” 金沢21世紀美術館 ※150インサイト投影
2010/09 “ART WAVE” 福岡アジア美術館, 新潟県民会館展示室, せんだいメディアテーク, 滋賀県立近代美術館
2009 “言葉アート活版作品展示販売” サンフランシスコ紀伊國屋書店, アメリカ
2008 “黄金町バザール” 日の出スタジオ, 神奈川
2008 “東京ミッドタウンDESIGN TOUCH” 東京ミッドタウン芝生広場, 東京
2007 “Re-Think展” 再生中の建物, 東京 他多数

作品収蔵:オリエント美術館, 宮城県女川町, ホーチミン美術大学ギャラリー
新聞掲載:The Japan Times(2012), 朝日新聞(2015)
常設作品:“目黒 素ことば” 目黒セントラルスクエア森の広場
制作滞在:雪のランドアートプロジェクト(2013, 2014, 2015)


2019  “Nakanojo Biennale”, Education Program Artist, Gunma
2018  Permanent installation “Meguro Motokotoba”, Meguro Central Square – Forest Square, Tokyo
2018/17  “aaca Box Exhibition”, Architectural Institute of Japan Gallery, Tokyo
2018/15/13      “Japan Visual Poesy Paris”, Gallery Satellite Paris, France
2017  “Motokotoba Workshop”, Orient Museum, Lisbon, Portugal, workshop and exhibition (participation as Fujishiro Norio exhibition’s guest artist)
2017  “3331 Kotoba Ichi – Motokotoba Workshop”, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, workshop and exhibition
2017/14  “aaca Fly Out to Town”, Architectural Institute of Japan Gallery, Tokyo
2016/15  “Japan Korea International Print Exhibition”, Art Garden Kawasaki, Kanagawa / Wooyeon Gallery, Daejeon, South Korea
2015  “Snow Land Art Project: Sunakawa Area = Motoko Hoshi”, Hokkaido, workshops and exhibition – participatory installation of public collaboration, Artist In Residence
2014  “Snow Land Art Project: Higashi-Kagura Area = Motoko Hoshi”, Hokkaido, workshops and exhibition – participatory installation of public collaboration, Artist In Residence
2014  “Zero Art”, hpgrp Gallery, New York, USA
2014  “North Akita Odate Art Festival Nationwide Competition”, Akita (selected)
2014  “Hoshi Motoko Workshop”, Ho Chi Minh Art University Gallery, Vietnam, workshop and exhibition, participation as Fujishiro Norio exhibition’s guest artist
2014 “Art & Breakfast –Motokotoba Workshop Itadakimasu at Aoyama”, Tokyo, workshops, improvised installation (Edible Flowers, Organic Vegetables) at open studio
2014  “East Meets West”, Ego Fine Art, Los Angeles, USA
2014  “Word Art <Motokotoba> Workshop”, Gunma Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, workshops and exhibition, lecture
2013  “Snow Land Art Project: Biei Area = Motoko Hoshi”, Hokkaido, workshops and exhibition – participatory installation of public collaboration, Artist In Residence + special lecture workshop at public elementary school
2013  “Collage Exhibition by Contemporary Artists”, Gallery Simon, Tokyo
2013  “YCAM 10th Yamaguchi Mini Maker Faire”, Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, Yamaguchi, workshop, exhibition, lecture
2012  “Trolls in the Park – International Outdoor Art Exhibition”, Metropolitan Zenpukuji Park, Tokyo, workshops, participatory installations (2 areas)
2012  “One House One Exhibition”, private house in Kamigoto-cho, Nagasaki
2012  “Invitation to Music”, Gallery Simon, Tokyo
2011  “Color on Color Okinawa”, Naha Civic Art Gallery, Okinawa
2011  “Origata Design Institute’s Xmas Gift Exhibition”, Origata Design Institute, Tokyo
2011  “Art Re-Public Creative Park Shibuya”, NHK Zelkova Avenue, Tokyo, workshops and exhibition
2011  Solo exhibition “Word Art <Motokotoba> World”, Plaza North, Saitama, exhibition, workshop, participatory installations
2010  “Black and White – Spirituality and Aesthetics of the Japanese”, Espace Japon Paris, France
2010  “Love the Environment”, Aichi Arts Center, Aichi
2010  “When the earth becomes the moon”, Gallery Simon, Tokyo
2010  “Motokotoba Workshop”, Morishita Cultural Center, Tokyo, workshops and exhibition
2010  “France Art Award Exhibition”, Morbihan Books large hall, France (special recommendation)
2010  “Japan France Contemporary Art World”, Spiral, Tokyo (selected)
2010  “Kansei Design Exhibition”, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, projection of 150 insights
2010/09  “Art Wave”, Fukuoka Asian Museum, Sendai Mediatheque, Niigata Prefectural Cultural Hall Gallery, Shiga Prefectural Museum of Art
2009  “Word Art – Typographic Letterpress Printing Works for Exhibition and Sale”, San Francisco Kinokuniya Book Store, USA
2008  “Koganecho Bazaar”, Hinode Studio, Yokohama
2008  “Tokyo Midtown Design Touch”, Tokyo Midtown – Lawn Open Space, Tokyo
2007  “Re-Think”, building under renovation, Tokyo

Award: Japan Association of Artists, Craftsmen & ArchItects Box Exhibition 2018, Audience Selected Artist Prize
Collections: Ho Chi Minh Art University Gallery, Vietnam; Orient Museum, Lisbon, Portugal; Onagawa-cho, Miyagi
Co-Authored Book: Produce 100 Knowledge (2014) Akiomi Hirano × Word Art Motoko Hoshi (100 word artworks)
Press: The Japan Times English-language newspaper (2012); Asahi Shimbun Japanese-language newspaper (2015)
Public Art Permanent Installation: “Meguro Motokotoba”, Meguro Central Square – Forest Square, Tokyo (2018-)
Artist In Residence: “Snow Land Art Project”, Hokkaido (2013, 2014, 2015)


  • 星 素子 ARTWORKS
  • 星 素子 ARTWORKS
  • 星 素子 ARTWORKS
  • 星 素子 ARTWORKS
  • 星 素子 ARTWORKS
  • 星 素子 ARTWORKS