Interconnected Worlds
I explore the diverse interconnections in the natural world, seeking to uncover their underlying principles and capture a fragment of the vast and intricate web of existence. Both living and non-living entities influence one another within their respective flows of time, forming a greater whole as part of their environment. By shifting focus beyond the human perspective, I aim to express the inherent shapes, orders, processes of change, and mechanisms embedded in nature, incorporating a scientific viewpoint.
Like minerals and geological strata that encapsulate time and traces of the past, I layer encaustic paint, melt it, and scrape the surface to reveal the underlying layers. The act of pouring and flowing paint mirrors the fundamental flows that shape nature, while the growth of crystals reflects our own transformations in response to the environment.
The world woven by nature is filled with wonder. What we see is merely a fraction of reality, and the perceived world changes with the subject. When differing viewpoints intersect, our perception expands, revealing the essence of diversity.
2005年 京都造形芸術大学芸術学部 卒業
B.A, Department of Fine Art, Kyoto University of Art and Design, Japan, 2005
2020 つながりあう世界/ビエントアーツギャラリー/高崎(群馬)
2019 つながりあう世界/ギャラリーゴトウ/銀座(東京)
2017 つながりあう世界/Nicole Longnecker Gallery/ヒューストン(米国)/コーディ:(株)アート・アライアンス
2015 つながりあう世界/ギャラリー歳時季/荻窪(東京)
2013 つながりあう世界/Gallery at the HYATT/ハイアットリージェンシー大阪
2013 Gallery at the HYATT巡回展/レクサスショールーム泉北(大阪)
2012 ひかりは満ちている Vol.5/銀座Gallery 21/銀座(東京)
2011 A part of the EARTH Vol.4/Gallery KINGYO/千駄木(東京)
2011 A part of the EARTH Vol.2 /Gallery at the HYATT/ハイアットリージェンシー大阪
2010 A part of the EARTH Vol.1/Mi Cafeto/六本木(東京)/コーディ:(株)アート・アライアンス
2009 ひかりは満ちている Vol.4/Gallery at the HYATTⅠ/ハイアットリージェンシー大阪
2009 Gallery at the HYATTⅠ巡回展/レクサスショールーム泉北(大阪)
2008 ひかりは満ちている Vol.3/ギャラリーKINGYO(東京)
2008 ひかりは満ちている Vol.2/Gallery at the HYATTⅡ/ハイアットリージェンシー大阪
2007 ひかりは満ちている Vol.1/ギャラリーKINGYO/千駄木(東京)/アートリンク
2006 そこにひろがる情景 Vol.2/ギャラリーKINGYO/千駄木(東京)
2005 そこにひろがる情景 Vol.1/ギャラリーKINGYO/千駄木(東京)/アートリンク
2025 アトリエキャビン成果展/ルオムの森 洋館/北軽井沢(群馬)
2024 第64回企画展「紳士淑女のための鉱物展」/群馬県立自然史博物館
2020 The future is in nature 未来は自然の中にある/ルオムの森 洋館/北軽井沢(群馬)
2019 台湾日本藝術交流展/Marie’s Gift/高雄(台湾)
2019 2017/2015/2013/2011/中之条ビエンナーレ/中之条(群馬)
2019 第47回 現代アーチスト展/第5回 日米国際作家交流展/東京都美術館/上野(東京)
2018 シンクロニシティ/チェンマイ x 中之条 交流展/CMU Art Center/(タイ)
2016 未来共有展/チェンマイ x 中之条 交流展/CMU Art Center/(タイ)
2016 Water Tower Art Fest 10th Anniversary/ソフィア(ブルガリア)
2016 Wax Work Site Vol.14/Gallery 砂翁/日本橋(東京)
2015 中之条ビエンナーレ プレビュー展/西武渋谷店(東京)
2014 生野ルートダルジャン芸術祭2014/朝来(兵庫)
2014 図書室の特別な時間 ほんのてんらんかい 隠岐アートトライアル/(島根県)
2013 Nacha Artist’s Residence 国際シンポジウム, 滞在制作, 展示/チェンマイ(タイ)
2013 土湯アラフドアートアニュアル 現代こけし部門/土湯(福島)
2013 feel清里現代彫刻展 清里フォトミュージアム/清里(山梨)
2012 第15回我孫子国際野外美術展/我孫子(千葉)
2010 7ways/space inno/韓日交流展/ソウル(韓国)
2010 Reconstruct/二人展/Gallery Objective/四ッ谷(東京)
2010 Wax Work Site Vol.8/Gallery saoh & tomos/日本橋(東京)
2010 2010214/Gallery KINGYO/千駄木(東京)
2009 When works pass into the public domain?/Gallery Objective/四ッ谷(東京)
2009 Zoom up that our small world/Gallery H/日韓交流展/ソウル(韓国)
2009 Space+Future/Gallery KINGYO/千駄木(東京)
2008 三菱商事アート・ゲート・プログラム作品展 第1回 第2回/EYE OF GYRE/オークション/三菱クラブ(東京)
2024 AIR6日間/アトリエキャビン/Sweet Glass/北軽井沢(群馬)
2018 AIR25日間/チェンマイ(タイ)/中之条海外交流事業
2017 2016 ワークショップ/小山市立車屋美術館企画/小山市(栃木)
2016 AIR20日間/チェンマイ(タイ)/中之条海外交流事業/助成:(株)アート・アライアンス
2016 Water Tower Art Fest 10th anniv. /ソフィア(ブルガリア)/中之条海外交流事業
2013 AIR15日間/Nacha Artist’s Residence 国際シンポジウム/チェンマイ(タイ)
2009 サザンビーチホテル&リゾート 沖縄/コミッションワーク/糸満市(沖縄)
2008 第1回/第2回 三菱商事株式会社アート・ゲート・プログラム入選 買取
Solo Exhibitions
2020 World mutually connected / Viento Arts Gallery / Gunma, Japan
2019 World mutually connected / Gallery Goto/ Tokyo, Japan
2017 World mutually connected / Nicole Longnecker Gallery/ Houston, TX, USA / Coord.: Art Alliance Co., Ltd.
2015 World mutually connected / Gallery Saijiki/ Tokyo, Japan
2013 World mutually connected / Gallery at the Hyatt/ Hyatt Regency/ Osaka, Japan
2013 Traveling exhibition of Gallery at the Hyatt/ Gallery LEXUS in Senboku/ Osaka, Japan
2012 The shine has been filled Vol.5 / Ginza Gallery 21/ Tokyo, Japan
2011 A part of the Earth Vol.4 / Gallery Kingyo/ Tokyo, Japan
2011 A part of the Earth Vol.2 / Gallery at the Hyatt/ Hyatt Regency Osaka, Japan
2010 A part of the Earth Vol.1 / Mi Cafeto/ Tokyo, Japan/ Coord.: Art Alliance Co., Ltd.
2009 The shine has been filled Vol.4 / Gallery at the Hyatt 1/ Hyatt Regency Osaka, Japan
2009 Traveling exhibition of Gallery at the Hyatt/ Gallery LEXUS in Senboku/ Osaka, Japan
2008 The shine has been filled Vol.3 / Gallery Kingyo/ Tokyo, Japan
2008 The shine has been filled Vol.2 / Gallery at the Hyatt 2/ Hyatt Regency Osaka, Japan
2007 The shine has been filled Vol.1 / Gallery Kingyo/ art-link 2007 Ueno-Yanaka/ Tokyo, Japan
2006 Spreading scenes Vol.2 / Gallery Kingyo/ Tokyo, Japan
2005 Spreading scenes Vol.1 / Gallery Kingyo/ art-link 2007 Ueno-Yanaka/ Tokyo, Japan
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 Mineral Exhibition for Ladies and Gentlemen / Gunma Museum of Natural History
2020 The future is in nature / Luomu / Gunma, Japan
2019 Taiwan x Japan exchange exhibition / Marie’s Gift / Takao, Taiwan
2019 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011 Nakanojo Biennale/ juried exhibition/ Gunma, Japan
2019 47th Contemporary Artists center, The 5th Crosscurrent USA-Japan/ Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum/ Tokyo, Japan
2018 Synchronicity / Chiang Mai x Nakanojo exchange exhibition/ CMU Art Center/ Chiang Mai, Thailand
2016 Sharing the future / Chiang Mai x Nakanojo exchange exhibition/ CMU Art Center/ Chiang Mai, Thailand
2016 Water Tower Art Fest 10th anniversary/ selected exhibition/ Sofia, Bulgaria
2016 Wax Work Site Vol.14 / selected exhibition/ Gallery Saoh/ Tokyo, Japan
2015 Nakanojo Biennale Preview/ selected exhibition/ Seibu Shibuya Art Gallery/ Tokyo, Japan
2014 Route d’ardent Art Festival in Ikuno/ selected exhibition/ Hyogo, Japan
2013 Nacha Artist’s Residence international symposium/ Chiang Mai, Thailand
2013 Arafudo Art Annual Festival of Art, Tsuchiyu Onsen/ Fukushima, Japan
2013 Feel Kiyosato Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition/ selected exhibition/ Kiyosato Museum Photographic Arts/ Yamanashi, Japan
2012 15th Abiko International Open Air Art Exhibition/ invited artist/ Chiba, Japan
2010 7ways / space inno/ Japan x Korea exchange exhibition/ Seoul, South Korea
2010 Reconstruct/ two person exhibition/ Gallery Objective/ Tokyo, Japan
2010 Wax Work Site Vol.8 / Gallery saoh & tomos/ Tokyo, Japan
2009 When Works Pass Into The Public Domain? / Gallery Objective/ Tokyo, Japan
2009 Zoom up that our small world/ Japan x Korea exchange exhibition/ Gallery H/ Seoul, South Korea
2009 Space + Future / Gallery Kingyo/ Tokyo, Japan
2008 Mitsubishi Corp. Art Gate Program 1st, 2nd/Mitsubishi club Auction and juried exhibitions/ Gallery Eye of Gyre/ Tokyo, Japan
Selected Honors and Professional Experiences
2024 Artist in Residence, 6 days/ Atlier Cabin / Kita-Karuizawa, Gunma, Japan
2018 Artist in Residence, 25 days/ Nakanojo exchange program / Chiang Mai, Thailand
2017 2016 / Work Shop/ Kurumaya Museum of Art, Oyama/ Tochigi, Japan
2016 Artist in Residence 20 days/ Nakanojo exchange program/ Chiang Mai, Thailand/ Supported by Art Alliance Co., Ltd.
2016 Artist in Residence 1 month/ Water Tower Art Fest 10th anniversary/Nakanojo exchange program / Sofia, Bulgaria
Supported by Nomura Foundation, Art Alliance Co., Ltd.
2013 Artist in Residence 15 days/ Nacha Artist’s Residence international symposium/ Chiang Mai, Thailand
2009 Southern Beach Hotel & Resort OKINAWA/ Commission work/ Okinawa, Japan
2008 Mitsubishi corporation Art Gate Program 1st and 2nd/ Purchase
web harumi-s.com