
Dainiji Tanisugi / Ears+Eyes



I make theatrical installation that uses the framework of theater.
It is a work that is completed by the involvement of the audience.
One of the definitions of theater is that ① if there is a person who does something (performer), and ② if there is a person who watches it (audience) in the same space, theater can be established.
If the audience does something under the direction of the my works and there is another audience who watches it, the theater work will appear in the limited space of momentary moments. The moment an audience unintentionally becomes a performer, it becomes aware of the eyes of others (another audience), and there must be a small change in the acceptance of the work in front of them.
*”Ears+Eyes” as the name of Dainiji Tanisugi solo project.


2020 トロールの森2020 野外×アート『あの時の鳥家族』
2019 トロールの森2019 野外×アート『声の小さな舞台俳優』
2019 まちなか×アート『ガイドツアーもどき演劇 身振り採集』
2011 第2回公演『マゴビキ、あるいは他人の靴の履き方』
2010 ミミトメ名義で活動開始
2010 第1回公演『パンとサーカス、その他の事』


2020 Theatrical installation “Birds family in the past” Open Air Exhibition Trolls in the Park 2020.
2019 Theatrical installation “Stage actor/actress without clear voice” Open Air Exhibition Trolls in the Park 2019.
2019 “Performance disguised as a guided tour, Gesture Collection” Town × Art Trolls in the Park 2019.
2011 2nd performance “Requotation or if you wear the shoes of others”
2010 Started activities as Ears+Eyes.
2010 1st performance “Panem et circenses, and other things”.