藤村 憲之

Noriyuki Fujimura
藤村 憲之
出身地 : 千葉
活動地 : 東京







I found my life is worth continuing only if my work leads to communication between others since I myself have felt difficulties communicating with.

Since then I have learned architecture design and worked for consumer tech industries. Those both fields are the foundation of my vision that ‘There are forms and ways of dialogue and connection among us, perhaps only I can make it as real’. That was the start point of my life as a contemporary artist. Theme of my works is all about how and why we connect and get together. I use modern man-made landscapes and ecosystems including animals as a stage of activities.

Most of my works were first tested while it was just a proposal. And when it is being realized in real landscape, it includes a number of elements from not only myself but also people in and around the project. For instance, I accept and involve ideas and artifacts that local residents bring in. And use biometric data such as heartbeats and breath as a part of artworks. Let me elaborate why.

For me, the goal, and most important moments of a project comes after an exhibition starts. When an artwork goes beyond my control and becomes a space involving myself, audience and others, I personally start to see phenomena of their dialogues and self organization. And hope audience members see the same.

My current works are: co-creation of night seascape, reconciling pitch black darkness of rural areas, and a sculpture to share experience with wild animals. Substratum of my artworks are parts of man-made landscapes and its eco systems such as old shacks, boats and garden trees.


2016 企業でデザインと技術に携わったのち、制作活動を再開
2004 文化庁派遣芸術家在外研修員、ポーラ美術振興財団在外研修修了
2000 慶応義塾大学政策メディア研究科修了
1997 東京芸術大学建築科卒業

2022 「呼吸する水郡線」奥久慈アートフィールドのレジデンス選出作家として展示。茨城県大子町。
2022 「鹿のための彫刻」京都FabCafe、京都市宝が池公園。
2021 「光ある航海」横浜象のはなテラス主催FUTURE SCAPE展。招聘作家として横浜港を心拍に連動した照明つきのボートで巡る作品を出展。
2018 「ことばを光に」横浜スマートイルミネーション。審査員賞受賞
2017 「光で出会う」横浜スマートイルミネーション。屋外展示部門優秀賞受賞
2017 「ほほえみの光」亀山トリエンナーレ。
2005 「Remote Furniture」TouchMe展 ビクトリア&アルバート美術館 ロンドン
2005 「転送された距離」NHK番組 デジタルスタジアムにて紹介
2004 「Remote Furniture」常設展示 アルス・エレクトロニカセンター リンツ
2004 「Remote Furniture」SIGGRAPH ロサンゼルス・コンベンションセンター
2003 ワークショップ「Workshops on Mobilephones」マルモアートアカデミー マルモ
2002 「Televised Distance」Dominion Plazaでの屋外展示 ピッツバーグ
2001 「World/World」東京芸術大学大学美術館とドイツ ノインキルヘンを結んだイベント
2000 「Remote Furniture」ドイツ銀行アートコレクションに収蔵。


2016 Resumed art activities after working for design and technologies in several companies.
2004 Finished artist overseas program of Ministry of culture and Pola Art Foundation.
2000 Earned master degree at school of Media and Governance, Keio university.
1997 Graduated Tokyo University of the Arts.

2022 ‘Breathing Sui-gun Line’, Okukuji art field program, Ibaraki
2022 ‘Sculpture for deers’, FabCafeKyoto, Takaraga-ike-park
2021 ‘Illuminated voyage’. Zou-No-Hana Future Scape Project
2018 ‘Make your words to lights’, Smart illumination Yokohama. Special recognition award
2017 ‘Encounter through lights’, Smart illumination Yokohama. Award of Excellence
2017 ‘Light bulb for smiles’, Kameyama Triennale, Mie
2005 ‘Remote furniture’, Touch me, Victoria and Albert museum, London.
2004 ‘Remote furniture’, Ars electronica center exhibition, Linz
2003 ’Workshops on Mobile Phones’, Malmo art academy, Malmo
2002 ’Televised distance’, Dominion plaza, Pittsburgh
2001 ‘World/World’ Museum of Tokyo university of the arts.