小山 真德

Masayoshi Koyama
小山 真德
出身地 : 愛知
活動地 : 東京



Masayoshi Koyama creates his artworks from the perspective as a traveler. At the places he visits as an “outsider,” he has a deep empathy with the things that are left behind because ordinary dwellers do not usually find them. There is a wide variety in his expressions, from small handmade souvenirs to giant three-dimensional objects as if creatures in legends are embodied. Those works appear in shabby places, clad in the atmosphere of the ancient beliefs and festivals( although their voices maybe faint) that have existed in the land since long ago.


2022 Unmanned 無人駅芸術祭
2021 ゆいぽーとアーティストインレジデンス事業 秋季招聘プログラム
2021 Unmanned 無人駅芸術祭
2018 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ 大地の芸術祭
2017 奥能登国際芸術祭

2022 Unmanned Station Art Festival
2021 YUI-PORT Artist in Residence Project/ Invitation Program 2021
2021 Unmanned Station Art Festival
2018 Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2018
2017 Oku-Noto Triennale 2017