『ASH PAINTING』では、中之条町の廃棄物処理場の焼却灰を素材としてライブペインティングを行う。
ASH PAINTING is a live painting performance in which incinerated ash from the waste disposal site of Nakanojo will be utilized as a painting material.
Ash produced from waste can be seen as the stratum of people’s lives, linked to memories but at the same time causing the release of harmful by-products. Jaime Humphreys (participating artist in Nakanojo Biennale 2019) and Mole (a group of five artists from Oil Painting, Tokyo University of the Arts) will intervene in the cycles of human society in order to unearth our memories. The resulting image will act as a symbol that encourages the viewer to reflect on things lost in the past and present through these actions.
日 程:9月14(土)13:00—16:00
– 9月15(日)10:00—16:00
会 場:イサマムラ(本イベントの成果物は、つむじホールで展示される予定)