福田 良亮

Ryosuke Fukuda
福田 良亮
©︎Project Space hazi



In the town where I was born and raised, there is a ‘standing night light’. It is like a small lighthouse and used to light up the night at the landing place called Shichiri-no-watashi, which connected the Tokaido Highway with the sea route. I also use motifs of things that I felt a connection with, such as the ‘flowers’ that my mother liked when she died on my birthday. I then reconstruct fragments of colours and images (shapes), and move back and forth between abstraction and figuration to create two-dimensional works.


2001 多摩美術大学美術学部絵画学科油画専攻中退


港まちアートブックフェア(Minatomachi POTLUCK BUILDING、愛知)
hazi studio project (Project Space hazi iwakura 、愛知)
オマージュ TAKARAZUKA-春 プリマヴェーラ(宝塚市立文化芸術センター、兵庫)
FACE 展 2023(SOMPO 美術館 、東京)

個展「Flower bed at night|夜の花壇」(長者町コットンビル1F GROUND、愛知)
港まちアートブックフェア(Minatomachi POTLUCK BUILDING、愛知)
FACE 展 2022(SOMPO 美術館 、東京)

個展「The scenery that I arrived|辿り着いた景色」(NICHE GALLERY、東京)
港まちアートブックフェア(Minatomachi POTLUCK BUILDING、愛知)
FACE 展 2021(SOMPO 美術館 、東京)

個展「世界」(Art Space & Cafe Barrack 、愛知)
FACE 2019(東郷青児記念 損保ジャパン日本興亜美術館、東京)

2018 第13回大黒屋現代アート公募展(板室温泉・大黒屋、栃木)
2017 シェル美術賞展2017(国立新美術館、東京)
2010 個展「宇宙になって、スパイラル」(U8projects 名古屋造形大学石彫場コンテナ、愛知)
2010 群馬青年ビエンナーレ2010(群馬県立近代美術館、群馬)
2010 アーツチャレンジ2010(愛知芸術文化センター、愛知)
2009 個展「清須市はるひ絵画トリエンナーレ アーティストシリーズ59|常夜灯」(清須市はるひ美術館 、愛知)


2001 Withdrew from Tama Art University, Department of Painting, Oil Painting

Main Activities

Minatomachi Art Book Fair (Minatomachi POTLUCK BUILDING, Aichi)
hazi studio project (Project Space hazi iwakura, Aichi)
HOMAGE TAKARAZUKA-Spring Primavera (Takarazuka City Cultural Arts Center, Hyogo)
FACE Exhibition 2023 (SOMPO Museum of Art, Tokyo)
Totonou Onsen Museum of Art (Miya Onsen, Hotel Mikawa Kaiyokaku, Aichi)

Solo Exhibition “Flower bed at night” (Choja-machi Cotton Building 1F GROUND, Aichi)
Minatomachi Art Book Fair, Minatomachi POTLUCK BUILDING, Aichi, Japan
FACE Exhibition 2022 (SOMPO Museum of Art, Tokyo)

Assenbridge Studio 2021 (Former Nagoya Customs Port Dormitory, Aichi, Japan)
Solo exhibition “The scenery that I arrived” (NICHE GALLERY, Tokyo)
Minatomachi Art Book Fair, Minatomachi POTLUCK BUILDING, Aichi, Japan
FACE Exhibition 2021 (SOMPO Museum of Art, Tokyo)

Solo exhibition “World” (Art Space & Cafe Barrack , Aichi)
FACE 2019 (Seiji Togo Memorial Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Art Museum, Tokyo)

2018 The 13th Daikokuya Contemporary Art Open Call Exhibition (Daikokuya, Itamuro Onsen, Tochigi)
2017 Shell Art Award Exhibition 2017 (The National Art Center, Tokyo)
2010 Solo Exhibition “Becoming the Universe, Spiral” (U8projects Nagoya University of Art and Design Stone Sculpture Hall Container, Aichi)
2010 Gunma Youth Biennale 2010 (The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma, Japan)
2010 Arts Challenge 2010 (Aichi Arts Center, Aichi, Japan)
2009 Solo Exhibition “Kiyosu City Haruhi Painting Triennial Artist Series 59|Anytime Light”, Kiyosu City Haruhi Art Museum, Aichi, Japan